Cookie management page

Use of cookies by the website

Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer by websites that you visit. They are widely used in order to make websites work, or work more efficiently, and to provide information to the owners of the site. The list below explains the cookies we use.

Preferences cookies


Purpose: Used to record your choice of analytics cookies

Duration: 13 months

Technical and session cookies


Purpose: Used to store the language preference for the site

Duration: Only kept for the duration of the session


Purpose: Used to identify repeat users

Duration: 12 months

session_id & SERVERID

Purpose: Used to identify the session

Duration: 3 months

gisco-waf-prod-affinity & gisco-waf-prod-affinityCORS

Purpose: Used to maintain your session secure during your whole visit. (Service: Geographic information system of the EC (GISCO))

Duration: Deleted after the closure of the browser

The videos inserted in our pages are hosted in our Multimedia Centre website that may place a few technical and session cookies. You may consult them, as well as the local storages its uses, by accessing the following pages:

The specific data protection notice of the Multimedia Centre is available as a pdf you may download.

AT Internet cookies


Purpose: Used to monitor the performance of pages visited by users of Parliament's websites

Duration: 13 months


Purpose: Used to store anonymous visitor IDs on Parliament's websites

Duration: 13 months


Purpose: Used to store a prior attribution campaign

Duration: 30 days


Purpose: Used to record the list of new campaigns encountered during a visit in order to avoid measuring the same campaign several times

Duration: 30 minutes

Third-party cookies

Some of our pages may display content from external providers.

To view this third-party content, you first have to accept their specific terms and conditions. This includes their cookie policies, which we have no control over.

However, if you do not view this content, no third-party cookies will be installed on your device.

Third-party providers on the website

These third-party services are outside of Parliament’s control. Providers may change their terms of service and the purpose and use of cookies on their site at any time.

How do I change my cookie settings?

You can change your cookie preferences at any time by clicking on the cookie policy on the footer of the website and altering your preferences. You may need to refresh the page for your settings to take effect.

Alternatively, many web browsers allow some cookies to be controlled through the browser settings.

Find out how to manage cookies on popular browsers:

Because you activated the "Do Not Track" (DNT) setting of your browser, we do not add any analytics cookie on your device. If you change your mind, please de-activate the DNT setting of your browser and refresh your cache.

Use of browser's local storage by the website

We use your browser's local storage to store information about whether or not your time zone has been calculated.
The name of this local storage is: website.found_visitor_timezone