#Solidarno kao naše #NovoNormalno? / #Solidary as our #NewNormal?

Il-Ħamis 10 ta’ Diċembru 2020 11:00 12:30






FB live stream: European Parliament in Croatia or Human Rights Film Festival 

We invite you to an online public debate #Solidarity as our #NewNormal? on Thursday, December 10, 2020 from 11 am to 12.30 pm CET as part of the Human Rights Film Festival 2020. You can connect via the Zoom platform and actively participate - or follow the live stream on Facebook of the European Parliament in Croatia or the Human Rights Film Festival. Simultaneous interpretation into English will be available online.

In this public debate of experts from diverse disciplines, we explore opportunities for a lasting step towards sustainable solidarity, mutual protection of dignity and human rights in the shared experience of the crisis caused by the global pandemic.

Eamonn Noonan, Global Trends Unit, European Parliament, Mirjana Matešić, Croatian Business Council for Sustainable Development, Mladen Domazet, Institute for Political Ecology, Marina Ajduković, Study Center for Social Work of the Faculty of Law in Zagreb and Lana Bobić, In Good  Faith are participating in the debate. Commentators are Petar Vidov, Faktograf, and Anastazija Stupar, Croatian Debate Society, while the discussion is moderated by Ivana Dragičević, editor and journalist of N1 television. Violeta Staničić and Sanja Sarnavka will briefly share their views on behalf of the organizers.

We are celebrating this year's Human Rights Day amid a global crisis caused by a pandemic of a hitherto unknown virus that shakes the very foundations of our families, communities and societies, painfully confronting us with the consequences of insensitivity, exploitation of nature and structural inequalities.

However, the crisis has also proved that we are still able to show solidarity - both instinctively and consciously: with people who suffer, like our old, helpless and sick, with those whose needs and crises are unrecognized and unrecognized, whose rights are violated while it uses the crisis as a justification, such as women victims of domestic and sexual violence, refugees, the homeless and precarious cross-border workers. There are also millions of citizens around the world whose right to privacy is threatened on a daily basis by authoritarian regimes, irresponsibility on digital platforms and sensationalist media.

So right now we want to claim and ask: Is there a chance today for #Solidarity as our #NewNormal?:

  • How are utopian and dystopian scenarios coming to life today and what has this crisis changed in the way we think, imagine and create our human community and future?

  • How well-founded is the fear of systemic alienation, irreversible ecological devastation and automation of our social and productive relations beyond democracy and how to overcome it?

  • Can the forms of solidarity and action we witness be translated into a systemic change that will make our human community and ecosystem safer and more lasting?

  • Does the historical opportunity for a real and lasting breakthrough - beyond political phrases - into the paradigm of solidarity, as a fundamental principle of the organization of our communities that leads us to sustainability, open up to us, at least through small doors? Or is that chance long gone?

We look forward to your participation - either by direct involvement via Zoom or by following the discussion live on Facebook.

Contacts: marina.skrabalo@solidarna.hr or Andrea Čović Vidović, andrea.covic@europarl.europa.eu

#Solidary as our #NewNormal?