PINNAKAS: Leiame Euroopa Parlamendis ühise pinna!

It's time to have some real fun! Namely, the European Parliament elections are waiting for us in less than half a year. This worthy institution has a substantial physical surface in Brussels and Strasbourg, but the question arises whether it is possible to find a common surface on the worldview level as well... 🕺 To make sense of Euroscepticism, European federalization, Union expansion and other future challenges, it is necessary to take a look at the past. It pays to do this retrospective with those people who have been at the center of stormy surface searches in Brussels and Strasbourg in recent years. Therefore, we have invited the members of the Estonian European Parliament to spin their brains (and maybe their feet too) to the progressive summit held at Genialiste Klub in Tartu on February 23 at 19:00! The stars of the evening are: 💢 Andrus Ansip, Reform Party 💢 Marina Kaljurand, Social Democratic Party 💢 Jana Toom, Center Party 💃 In order that the superficiality does not turn into a rant and that the discussion still remains based on facts and science, we will also involve the European Union expert and lecturer of the J. Skytte Institute of Political Studies, Heiko Pääbo, in the joint surface search! 💿 Of course, a disc jockey goes to the real surface, but we don't mix music, but we still ask difficult questions for the performers. This important task is performed by the moderator Gea Kangilaski! 🫵 Come and dance the political tango with us and find out, maybe something new and unexpected will float to the surface... 🇪🇺 The event is financed by the European Union within the framework of the FUSE project of the NGO Progressive Movement.

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