Our taxes, their profits

Il-Ġimgħa 15 ta’ Marzu 2024 12:05
It-Tlieta 9 ta’ Lulju 2024 12:05



Did you know that your tax revenues go to heavy industry and oil companies? Here are two reasons why I will be voting in the European elections this year. Money from my taxes, from our taxes, goes to heavy industries, like the cement industries, which can freely pollute our air while making huge profits. What about us? We breathe in the polluted air with all the health problems that entails. See what is happening in Volos, where for years citizens have been breathing in burnt plastic from the cement industry AGET Lafarge. The EU's excuse is that it can keep the industries in Europe and prevent them from escaping to another continent. At the same time EU Member States continue to subsidise fossil fuels - €123 billion in 2023 alone - while oil companies make hundreds of billions in profits. In the same year, energy bills have almost doubled in Europe and millions of Europeans are struggling to adequately heat their homes. A typical example is Greece, which has the highest rates of energy poverty in Europe. We join our voices in demanding an energy system accessible to all, with cheap, democratic and decentralised energy. The European elections are approaching, and our demands must be heard!

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