Multiplier training: How to mobilize people to vote in the European elections? (copy)

It-Tlieta 23 ta’ Jannar 2024 18:30 21:30

In order to mobilize more foreign residents in Luxembourg to vote in the European elections on 9 June 2024, Cefis organizes a “Multiplier training course“.

The aim of this training course is to give tools and skills to “multipliers” who undertake to inform and raise awareness in their community, their entourage, their neighborhood and their acquaintances about registering to vote and taking part in the elections.

Are you ready to help your fellow citizens register to vote in the 2024 European elections? Would you be prepared to follow a multiplier training course to receive the necessary information?

This training course, in collaboration with the European Parliament Liaison Office in Luxembourg, will cover the powers of the European Parliament, Luxembourg’s electoral system and the awareness-raising projects that the multiplier participants intend to develop. 

This is a 3-hour training course, face-to-face or online, from 6.30pm to 9.30pm, in French or English. 

Dates for face-to-face training at the “foyer européen” (10 rue Heinrich Heine) in Luxembourg cit

  • Tuesday 16 January (English)
  • Thursday 25 January (French)
  • Thursday 1 February (French)
  • Tuesday 6 February (English)

Dates for online training:

  • Tuesday 23 January (English)
  • Tuesday 30 January (French)

To register, please click here.