Multiple crises need our votes

It-Tnejn 27 ta’ Mejju 2024 13:00
Is-Sibt 13 ta’ Lulju 2024 13:00



Online campaign: Do you ever feel like you're in a pot and someone keeps turning up the heat? Rents and energy prices are rising, temperatures are rising, fuel wars, forest fires, floods, people are being forced out of their homes. All of this is not accidental, it's not an accident. They are also some of the pieces of climate change, a threat that burns us ever more insistently every year. Just as it is not an accident that along with all these crises, the far right is on the rise and with it its plans: to abolish environmental regulations, to build walls of hatred, to make the rich richer and to suppress civil society. From 6 to 9 June, EU elections will be held and - if the far right wins - we can say goodbye to so many of the achievements and rights we have won over the last decades. All these issues are connected, and that means that all of us who are affected - we are also connected. We want an ecological transition that puts life and social justice at the heart of every political decision. A transition with renewable energy, restoring biodiversity, achieving food self-sufficiency and creating sustainable and fair jobs. We can be honest, the climate crisis requires bold action and we still have a long way to go. One election cannot change that, but our voices can play a decisive role. Let's remind them what really matters! Now is the time to unite.